Benefits of Running and Working Out with a Weight Vest


Weight vests have become popular recently as a resistance training tool. These vests seem to be everywhere and can be purchased at sporting goods stores and online. Running with a weight vest is used in some forms of armed forces combat training, so it’s sometimes referred to as “military-style” training. It makes sense for men and women in boot camp to practice running with heavy equipment on to rapidly simulate intense workout conditions. 

Benefits of running with a weight vest

Running with a weight vest can improve your running posture. It might also help you increase your speed. One small study of 11 long-distance runners showed a peak speak increase of 2.9 percent after weight vest training.

Weight vests work by training your body to exert more force to run during training sessions. When you run without the vest after you’ve gotten used to training with it, your body continues to exert the force it would need for you to run at your normal pace with the added weight. Some runners say that this is a very effective way to cut down your pace quickly.

But what we know about the benefits of weight vests for runners is limited. There’s enough clinical evidence to suggest that this method of training has a lot of potential. More research is needed to understand how they work and the ideal ways to train with them.

Cardiovascular benefits

Anecdotally, people feel that running with a weight vest can spike your heart rate and improve cardiovascular health. It makes sense, since your body must work harder to propel your weight forward when extra pounds are added. Your heart works just a bit harder to pump blood through your veins when you’ve got the vest on.

One very small study showed significant increase in exercise intensity and heart and lung efficiency when subjects ran with the vests on. For people who have been approved for regular cardio exercise, a weight vest might be a great tool for cardiovascular conditioning.

Musculoskeletal benefits

Running with a weight vest might increase your bone density. In one study of post-menopausal women, regular exercise with a weight vest may have prevented hip bone loss. And weight-bearing exercise is known to be the best kind of exercise to prevent osteoporosis.

Balance improvement

Since you must be more mindful of posture and form when running with a weight vest, it may improve your balance as you run. One study showed that regular resistance training with weight vests decreased the risk of falling for women who had reached menopause.


Start running in the new year with your new gear the Weighted Vest

The 5 A.M alarm on a winter morning pushing you out of bed to get your running shoes on and hit the road. Every year serious and recreational runners all over the country kick off their healthy resolutions. Many stick to it while others fall off the wagon, and part of that is the body adapts quickly to running and there are slower improvements as the weeks go by.
How do we keep making gains and improving your body why not add extra weight in the form of a weighted vest and make your runs in to a challenging cardiovascular and strength building routine?

The idea is pretty simple: Slip on your weighted vest (loaded with 1/3 to 1/4 of your body weight is a good amount of weight to achieve a significant training effect),  and then start with a brisk walk, and work up to your running pace as the body adapts to a new form of load.  

What are the benefits of a weighted vest during the workout:

  • Higher calorific burn with the extra load. (Read here: Bodybuilders use weighted vest to look lean before competition)
  • big strength-building challenge for your glutes and hamstrings
  • increased Lung capacity
  • Engagement of core muscles to stabilize the body with load
  • Improved joint and tendon health using

 Keep in might when using a weighted vest

People with soft tendons or tendonitis have to be slow and gradual when including the weighted vest in their programme.

The weighted vest is a new load factor on the body, and just like any new movement or equipment in the gym you have to get adapted and confident before taking on higher loads. This is easy with our graded GorillaX power plates available in sets of 8 kilos12 kilos, and 16 Kilos .

Make cardio into resistance training – Burn fat and tone muscles with a weighted vest

Adding weight in the form of a weighted vest distributes the load evenly, and allows for faster and better results. Wearing this necessary tool changes your cardio workout to have a muscle building effect. makes it slightly more challenging to perform the movement, but does not create additional strain on the spine and shoulders (as can be the case with a rod or kettlebell).

Workout vests turns virtually any Cardio into a resistance exercise. The load increase the calori burn of your body movements more effective. It is an ideal option if you are just starting with exercising or want to change the training routines from time to time.

Running, Speed walking, biking, or hiking running is a dynamic cardio workout. When you add weight to them and continue to exercise at the same pace, the effect will be many times better. Weighted vests elevate cardio-vascular training to a higher levels.

One must be cautious to begin with a lighter load, and as you sure and confident, add progressive over-load with the plates to your vest. The goal of adding weight is to stress muscles, ‘activate them and make them work. The result of wearing the weighted vest will be visible after the first workout – your sweat will pour from you.

Warm up –

10 forward lunges, 10 Reverse Lunges, 10 deep squats

Cardio resistance

Step climbing 3 floors x 3 rounds (easy pace)    3 floors x 2 round (Fast pace) 3 floors x 1 round (High intensity)
Always remember to cool down at the end of your workout

2021 must have : Why you need a weighted vest for your workouts

What are the pros and cons of a weighted vest. Anyone who has trained at a gym and been made to carry weights in their arms for crossfit session or burpees or hang weights during dips and pulls have always thought if my arms or shoulders did not give up I could do some more reps . And while much of the current scientific evidence remains inconclusive one way or the other, here are some of the weighted vest benefits you can expect from this training approach:

  • Weighted vests are a quick and easy way to add variety and difficulty to your existing runs and workouts, turning many bodyweight exercises into weighted exercises.
  • Explosive power: They are a great option for power athletes and weightlifters looking to increase their fast twitch muscle engagement and ramp up training without having to change a routine.
  • Endurance conditioning: Some studies have shown that training with a weighted vest can increase your speed, VO2 max and extend your time to exhaustion after prolonged use in training.
  • Ease of use: when you can’t get out for a run or to the gym(pandemic lockdowns be damned), just slip your weight vest on and enjoy an around-the-house workout as you complete your daily chores.
  • Progressive-overload : Many vests are adjustable and available in different weights, meaning it’s possible to start low and increase your resistance over time.
  • Joints and shoulders: Vests can be an easier option when you’re looking to add weight to your workout compared to other options, like hand weights, ankle weights and wrist weights.
  • The final word : When it comes to removing your vest after your run or workout, many people enjoy a floating-like feeling akin to how you’d imagine Superman feels all the time, as your body finds it’s regular movements comparatively effortless.

In addition, weighted vests come in a variety of styles. The best vest for one person isn’t always going to be the best option for another. For example, the best weighted vest for calisthenics may be different to the one for general weight lifting. Your choice will depend on the type(s) of training you do as well as the feasibility of comfortably wearing the vest during your workouts. Aspects like how the jacket fits, how the weight is added to the vest and how secure it is during vigorous activity should all be considered before making your final choice.

Once you’ve considered these aspects and have a good idea of what you’re looking for, check out the best weighted running vests below and start enjoying next-level workouts.

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Strong Kong is a great vest for your workout


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