Start running in the new year with your new gear the Weighted Vest

The 5 A.M alarm on a winter morning pushing you out of bed to get your running shoes on and hit the road. Every year serious and recreational runners all over the country kick off their healthy resolutions. Many stick to it while others fall off the wagon, and part of that is the body adapts quickly to running and there are slower improvements as the weeks go by.
How do we keep making gains and improving your body why not add extra weight in the form of a weighted vest and make your runs in to a challenging cardiovascular and strength building routine?

The idea is pretty simple: Slip on your weighted vest (loaded with 1/3 to 1/4 of your body weight is a good amount of weight to achieve a significant training effect),  and then start with a brisk walk, and work up to your running pace as the body adapts to a new form of load.  

What are the benefits of a weighted vest during the workout:

  • Higher calorific burn with the extra load. (Read here: Bodybuilders use weighted vest to look lean before competition)
  • big strength-building challenge for your glutes and hamstrings
  • increased Lung capacity
  • Engagement of core muscles to stabilize the body with load
  • Improved joint and tendon health using

 Keep in might when using a weighted vest

People with soft tendons or tendonitis have to be slow and gradual when including the weighted vest in their programme.

The weighted vest is a new load factor on the body, and just like any new movement or equipment in the gym you have to get adapted and confident before taking on higher loads. This is easy with our graded GorillaX power plates available in sets of 8 kilos12 kilos, and 16 Kilos .

Make cardio into resistance training – Burn fat and tone muscles with a weighted vest

Adding weight in the form of a weighted vest distributes the load evenly, and allows for faster and better results. Wearing this necessary tool changes your cardio workout to have a muscle building effect. makes it slightly more challenging to perform the movement, but does not create additional strain on the spine and shoulders (as can be the case with a rod or kettlebell).

Workout vests turns virtually any Cardio into a resistance exercise. The load increase the calori burn of your body movements more effective. It is an ideal option if you are just starting with exercising or want to change the training routines from time to time.

Running, Speed walking, biking, or hiking running is a dynamic cardio workout. When you add weight to them and continue to exercise at the same pace, the effect will be many times better. Weighted vests elevate cardio-vascular training to a higher levels.

One must be cautious to begin with a lighter load, and as you sure and confident, add progressive over-load with the plates to your vest. The goal of adding weight is to stress muscles, ‘activate them and make them work. The result of wearing the weighted vest will be visible after the first workout – your sweat will pour from you.

Warm up –

10 forward lunges, 10 Reverse Lunges, 10 deep squats

Cardio resistance

Step climbing 3 floors x 3 rounds (easy pace)    3 floors x 2 round (Fast pace) 3 floors x 1 round (High intensity)
Always remember to cool down at the end of your workout

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Strong Kong is a great vest for your workout


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